
1. Name

The society shall be called the Heart Failure Society of South Africa (HeFSSA).

HeFSSA shall be a Special Interest Group of the South African Heart Association (SA Heart).

2. Objectives

The objectives of the HeFSSA shall be:

2.1. To promote research in all aspects of cardiovascular disease leading to heart failure with a special focus on conditions relevant to the population of South Africa.

2.2. To promote collaboration among those involved in research and treatment of conditions leading to heart failure in South Africa.

2.3. To promote development and monitoring of guidelines for diagnosis and management of heart failure in South Africa.

2.4. To promote public awareness of the prevention and treatment of conditions leading to heart failure in South Africa.

2.5. To seek to form alliances with other like-minded individuals or organisations both on the African continent and elsewhere.

2.6. To create a Heart Failure Registry in South Africa.

3. Membership

There shall be three classes of memberships - ordinary, associate and international members. Ordinary and associate members of the special interest group HeFSSA have to be ordinary or associate members of the South African Heart Association. International members do not have to be members of SA Heart.

3.1. Ordinary members shall be cardiologists, specialist physicians, and other medical professionals, for e.g. general practitioners, cardiovascular surgeons, health scientists, and members of the pharmaceutical industry with an interest in heart failure, practicing inside South Africa.

3.1.1. Candidates of ordinary membership shall be proposed by two ordinary members in good standing. Such proposal shall be accompanied by a statement of the candidate’s name, professional status, public appointments and published works and sent to the HeFSSA secretary. The Executive Committee may approve such proposal at its next formal meeting.

3.1.2. Only ordinary members shall be entitled to vote and/or hold office in the association.

3.2. Associate members shall be technologists, nurses or other health care professionals, for e.g. occupational therapists with an interest in heart failure.

3.2.1. Requests for associate membership to be sent to the HeFSSA secretary.

3.3. International members shall be medical professionals with an interest in heart failure living outside South Africa.

3.4. Termination of membership: Every member shall remain a member until his/her membership is terminated, either by resignation in writing to the Executive or by decision of the Executive. Membership may be suspended if after two years due subscriptions have not been paid, after suitable notification by the treasurer. Memberships may be reinstated, upon application to the Executive, on payment of arrears and/or at the discretion of the Executive.

4. Executive

4.1. The management of the HeFSSA shall be vested in an Executive Committee, comprising a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and six members. The Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting for a 2-year period and may be eligible for re-election.

4.2. The function of the Executive Committee shall be:

4.2.1. The President shall represent the HeFSSA at home or abroad, will chair meetings of the Executive and preside over the Annual General Meeting.

4.2.2. The Secretary shall notify members of meetings and organize the venue and time thereof, circulate reports and organize ballots.

4.2.3. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts, collect subscriptions, be responsible for the expenditure of the association and submit an Annual Financial Report of the HeFSSA to the Annual General Meeting.

4.3. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees for special purposes.

4.4. The Executive Committee is responsible for the administration of the SAHF and may establish a central office and retain services such as personnel, as may be required to efficiently administer the HeFSSA.

5. Subscription

The annual subscription shall be payable by members of the HeFSSA to provide funds for carrying out the works of the HeFSSA. The annual subscription shall be determined annually by the Executive Committee, but any alterations in such subscriptions must be approved by a majority vote at the General Meeting.

6. Meetings

Meetings of the HeFSSA, including the Annual General Meeting, shall take place at least once per year. The Executive should meet in person or by conference call at least three times per year. Notice (post, fax or e-mail) of the meeting, shall not be later than fourteen days before the date on which the meeting is to be held. Ten members shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum the Executive Committee shall have the power to convene another Annual General Meeting, at which any number of members shall constitute a quorum, within a period of not less than 48 hours. Decisions shall be reached by a majority of votes present.

7. Alteration to the Constitution

This can only be affected by a two thirds majority vote cast at the Annual General Meeting. Notice (post, fax or e-mail) of the amendments shall be given not later than fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

8. Dissolution

The HeFSSA shall be dissolved if at any time the membership is less than eight members. The dissolution of the association may be effected by a 75% majority vote of all ordinary members.